Wednesday, June 12, 2013

JBoss Tools and release of Wise-core 2.0.2.Final

The release of Wise core 2.0.1.Final few months ago came with some new features, including the message preview functionality. As previously blogged, an obvious usage scenario of that is writing a SOAP message preview tool.
Now, given JBoss Tools (Eclipse plugins for JBoss technology) offers a similar functionality and was having few issues in that area, I ended up talking a bit with JBoss Tools developers and eventually had them try migrating to Wise instead of the existing message preview implementation ;-)
So I'm quite happy upcoming JBoss Tools 4.1.0 will be using Wise core for its WS Tester plugin!
By the way, this also brought additional testing coverage to Wise; as a matter of fact a quite important bug was found by Brian Fitzpatrick (thanks Brian!) while working on the migration... so here I am at announcing a bug fix release, Wise core 2.0.2.Final.
The new version is available for download as binary distribution, its Maven artifact are on the usual repository and next release of JBoss Tools (4.1.0.Beta2) is going to consume it.

Consider giving a try at both JBoss Tools and Wise core new version, feedback is welcome!
For those using the Wise webgui, a simple update in the main pom.xml to use core 2.0.2.Final is enough for pulling in the new version.